This days i have been thinking about what veracity really means.

Some people believe words have more than one meaning, and that is possible truth.
Regardless of this tipe of people, other group, which i believe i am myself included, try to comunicative for more "romantic" "idealistic" "inspiring" or "educational" purposes.

I do not believe myself as a power seeker, I believe myself as a energy giver and receiver.

Tough energy is not something we can messure quite good enough, we still have
three available theorys:

1. e= m x c 2
Energy equals , the ammount of mass multiplied by acceleration at its second sponency level.(i hope there is someone out there who is a native english or similar who can teach me some technical english math after this :)

This is the ecuation that Einstein wrote to explain how we can create energy.
This phisical theory remains in the phisics tipe which is described as "classic".

This belongs to the relativist theory. It means every aspect of the equation is relative to a time and a space given, and is not always remaining the same without the "ingredients" . If we put or take, we will have different ressults.

2. the other theory is given by the "quantics" phisics.

This theory , as much as i been reading, has to be with the fact, that  a particle lets imagine, the particle "a" is in fact a biparticle, that means it has itself "a and b", so as much as we can see with our human eyes, only the "a" , only the full particle, in reality it is not as it appear, because it is two particles floating around, a and b, which appear to be one.

So, according to this, if we meassure one  A particle at a time, and then meassure it at another time, and so on, we can have like a aproximately value of energy, but the two times will never be the same, because it is variating all the time.

This means that we can get really close to "know" for sure a value , but we do not know 100 hundred percent the value of it.

(So now you have a lot of  more questions, right?? :) do not worry we are all here with you!!  just relax and study )

3. the third theory, which is one more flexible than the second one, but less acurate than the first one, is used in quimics and biology

This includes the ionization , it is potential energy needed for a molecule or athom. And also the bond energy, (james bond is happy now XD), it is inside the chemical aliances between a substance. The reactions inside a substance they release or absorb the energy, like enthalpy ( f.e. breaking up one melecule of methane into a carbon atom and four hydrogen radicals, divided by 4).

This kind of energy are the result of biological interaction, so they are not
only chemical but biological, it is called biochemical energy.

This is better understood if we look at nature:

photosintesis in vegetables (clorofile separates water and then changes it to hidrogen , plus the carbon in the atmosphere it will change into carbs)
breathing in animals (this is the opposite than the previous example, the oxygen is used to burn carb molecules).

In the end, when we talk about this things we must remember they are only mathematical ways to explain us, HUMANS, how the #$"#%&/" is live created, or where is this #%$&#% world going. And whatever question you might have, or comment, please below in the box!!!

thanks namaste GOOD BYE
